Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Overdue Questions Policy

March 7th, 2016 volunteer writing team, First, I want to thank you for your service. You all are a tremendous blessing to us. The Q&A aspect of the ministry would not exist without you. We truly are grateful for the time you put into answering questions. Second, I wanted to remind you of how the system works. When people submit questions to us, they are promised an answer within 2 to 7 days. We refer to the end of the 7-day period as the “commitment date.” When we assign you a question, the due date is 4 days from the submission date. . . .

Got Questions and Google Search Engine Optimization

September 16th, 2015
RECENT ACTIVITY Kristi-Joy Matovich September 16, 2015 You may or may not know that Got Questions spends a lot of time tailoring our content to be easily found by search engines, and to match what people are searching for. Some of our articles may seem odd or irrelevant, but they're actually aimed at a topic that is commonly searched. That lets us reach demographics that would otherwise never see our site! This article from Relevant Magazine displays the sort of theological questions Google is helping answer . . .

Important Safety Reminder

September 7th, 2015
Shea Houdmann September 4 at 9:26am IMPORTANT! - Please do not give your full name, email address, or phone number in your answers. It is unsafe and unwise to do so. A question you answer is sent with the statement "Answered by: First name" - and that is sufficient. There is no need to give your full name. . . .

Recommended Resources from Fellow Writers

June 2nd, 2015
RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Thank you so much for sending in your recommendations! Below is a list of what we received. Please feel free to keep sending suggestions our way. Authors Courson, Jon Geisler, Norman Grudem, Wayne LaHaye, Tim MacArthur, John Pentecost, J Dwight Ryrie, Charles Wiersbe, Warren Wuest, Kenneth Zacharias, Ravi Books / Commentaries The Bible Knowledge Commentary edited by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck The Book of Revelation by Clarence Larkin Chance and the Sovereignty of God: A God-Centered Approach to . . .

Got Questions Ministries Network Social Media

March 4th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 4, 2015 Morning, folks! (at least, it's morning in Colorado...) I just want to remind you all that we have multiple sites and they all have their own social media pages. Today I'm working on ways to increase our "likes" and following, so if you so desire, here's a list of places you could go like and follow: Got Questions Ministries And on Twitter: @Gotquestions @compellingtruth @412teens @GQkidz @Blogosorg No obligation . . .

Got Questions Bumper Stickers

January 14th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore January 13, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO (Sorry, should have put this up earlier.) If anyone would like a bumper sticker, you can order one here, and MeLissa's parents will lovingly send it to you smile emoticon Order the bumper sticker Order the bumper sticker GOTQUESTIONS.ORG Unlike · · Share Seen by 35 You, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Ed Chait and 2 others like this. Kathy . . . Business Cards / Printable Promo Materials

December 14th, 2014
Sarah Van Baale December 13, 2014 Talking with my hair stylist today, she mentioned that her 16 year old son was telling her that he "needed more religion in his life." I wanted to refer her and him to the teen website, but I could not remember the address, nor do I have a smart phone. I thought to myself that it would be really nice to have a couple of cards tucked into my wallet that I could give to teens so that they could visit the teen site on their own time. Is there a graphic somewhere that we can print off with the . . .

Staff Contact Information

November 3rd, 2014
STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Shea Houdmann – Founder, President, CEO – He's the man in charge. You can contact him at Kevin Stone – Managing Editor – Kevin manages, approves new volunteers, records audio for articles, and writes articles. You can contact him at Beth DeVore – Administrative Assistant – Beth manages donations, sends out new salvation materials and marketing material, codes foreign language pages, assigns/approves/answers questions for . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement