Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from September 2023

October 2nd, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, provides scriptural support, and is personable in tone. It answers the question directly, has logical flow, and explains foundational issues clearly. ** Question: If Abraham was justified by faith before the belief in Jesus, why did Jesus have to come down and die for sins? How come people in the old testament couldn't just do the same like Abraham to be justified. Why did Jesus have to die if there was already a way to be saved like how Abraham was saved? Profile: Male, North America, 26–35, Christian Answered . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from September 2023

October 2nd, 2023
From a questioner:  Dear [Volunteer], Thank you so much for your reply! Thank you for your explanation. Yes, it makes sense and I am encouraged by your words. They are kind and helpful for me. I am sorry that I misunderstood it before. Praise the Lord. May God bless you. Thank you again! From a questioner: Thank you so much for your prompt reply to my question. It is helpful to know all food is clean but we need to be careful not to cause anyone to stumble or to eat in such a way that we show we do not have self-control. Thank you again. . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for October 2023

October 2nd, 2023
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. As mentioned above, most of the staff will be in Israel October 7th through 18th. Please pray for our eyes to be opened to what God has for us to see, our ears to be tuned to His Spirit, and our hearts to be prepared to respond. Please pray for the entire traveling group to relate well to one another, form bonds, and enjoy sharing lasting memories. Please, of course, also pray for travel safety and good health. Please pray for those who will not be going to Israel, particularly . . .

Scripture for October 2023

October 2nd, 2023
"Listen to me, O house of Jacob,     all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been borne by me from before your birth,     carried from the womb; even to your old age I am he,     and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear;     I will carry and will save. … Remember this and stand firm,     recall it to mind, you transgressors,     remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there . . .

Note from Gwen: September 2023

September 5th, 2023
Happy September, all! If you're anything like me, it's hard to believe it's already September. Sometimes time seems to fly by. Other times it seems to drag. Much of this seems to depend on life circumstances. Anticipation, pending transition, recent major change, routine, overwhelm, underwhelm, seeking clarity on a decision, waiting on God, following God in a new direction, discouragement, excitement, relational dynamics, learning opportunities, teaching opportunities, health challenges, newfound health—all these affect our day-to-day living. . . .

Monthly stats from August 2023

September 5th, 2023
8,980,848 users of across all languages 14,585,538 sessions on across all languages 19,034,439 pageviews of articles across all languages 289,156 views of dedicated gospel presentation pages across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages 8,831 professions of faith in Jesus Christ, as counted by the "I have accepted Christ today" link on our gospel presentation pages, across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages All praise and glory to God!! . . .

Sample Q&A from August 2023

September 5th, 2023
** This response is biblically sound, answers the question asked, explains the verses in question with clarity, provides a helpful summary, and maintains a genuinely kind tone.** Question: I am doing a bible study of Romans. I had a question about Romans 8:17 which says we will share in His glory. I read the article from “Got Questions - What does it mean to be co-heirs with Christ?” Then I read your article - Why will God not give His glory to another? (Isaiah 42:8) ? The article states, “He will not share it (His glory) with anyone”. . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from August 2023

September 5th, 2023
From a questioner: Your answers are wonderful and inciteful, my utmost thanks to those who do the research and share their wisdom! One of the things I find so valuable is the reference to scripture woven within the answers...when I find my mind straying, I use your site to set it back on a better path. Your site is that powerful. (period and job well done!) I refer it to nearly everyone I know. From a questioner:   Thank you for your kind response. It means the world to me. I am so happy right now that I could shout “Hallelujah . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement