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Help on Question regarding RFID Chips as the Mark of the Beast and “Marked” by Shawn Miller

November 26th, 2014

November 25, 2014

I am on vacation and while I am answering questions, I cannot get this book while I am here. Does anyone know anything about the book? I am going to answer it the best I can, as I can address RFID, but would love info to address the book as well.

Question 370725: Hello, my name is Andre, but you can call me Andy and I’m from Finland! First of all, I’d like to thank you for all the information you’ve sent, they have helped a lot in my life. And second, I have an issue regarding on a book called “Marked” by Shawn Miller which “explains” about the Mark of the Beast. You see, I have a friend who goes/went to the same pentecostal church as me and she is a member of a group on Facebook called the “Jesus Crew” (here’s the link ““) which shows the image of the book (if you can find it there). I managed to read the first pages on the Amazon’s website, but I couldn’t read all of it because most of the are limited and I certainly am not going to buy it because sometimes or right after I read it, I’d destroy it because I wouldn’t want any kind of conspiracy theories to bother me, I’ve been through alot. That would be a huge waste of money, if I did that. What I would like to find out in his book is that if he somehow believes the Mark of the Beast being a RFID microchip so I could get over it. I am aware that it may be possible, but at the same time it’s one of many speculations and I have actually found out that no one really knows what the end times will be like. In fact, no one knows where it happens, how it happens and when it happens (I’ve heard many conspiracy theories). In fact, I believe that it’s not a technology that causes people to perish, what causes people to perish is what’s between their ears. I wouldn’t want to waste any of my time on any kind of conspiracy theories, but when I saw my friend being a member of this group on Facebook, I think I want to get to the bottom of this. So, I was wondering, if you could possibly read it and tell me what I’d like to know. I wouldn’t blame you, if you wouldn’t. Here’s the link of the book on Amazon where I read the first pages: Anyhow, I wish you the best and thanks again and may God bless you! Andy

  • Seen by 33
  • Robert Lowry Oh but we know plenty about the end times. As to the mark of the beast, we do not know exactly what it will be, it could be some kind of chip technology, but does not have to be that. We do know it will be on either the right hand or the forehead. We do know where the end times happen. They happen world wide. We do know how they happen…God’s judgment, and worldwide revival: seven seal judgments, seven trumpet judgments, seven bowl judgments. We do not know when the end times will happen. We also know that, most likely, from the plain sense of Scripture, if people would just accept Jesus as Savior, they would not have to experience these times and so these questions become academic. I am not familiar with the book mentioned.
  • Marc Weiss LOL – I agree, I agree, but I love eschatology, so I want to give a good answer now.
  • Sarah Van Baale Just an FYI – I haven’t heard of this guy or this book. I see that it is a self published book through an online self publishing company. So I tried to find more information about the author, and I’m coming up pretty empty handed. Not that everyone has to be well known nor have an extensive publishing record, but pretty much anybody can write anything. And without a bit more info regarding the author or some type of endorsement by a well known organization, I’m not sure I would personally take the time to read it.
  • Wendyl Leslie Yes, Sarah is correct. The author is self-published using Amazon’s Kindle and Amazon’s CreateSpace to publish his book both in the online as well as the hard-copy version. Amazon lets the prospective buyer read the first 10% of the book for free. In looking at the table of contents I noticed that the author had a chapter on RIFD tags. I don’t know what those. Maybe they’re the microchips. Anyway, hope this helps.
  • Gwen Sellers Hi, all. I love this collaboration! And I just wanted to add in that we certainly never expect you to purchase books to review them for questioners, or even to review books for questioners. Obviously always feel free to address the questions as thoroughly as you’d like to, but please don’t feel pressure or expectations on our end. We do let people know that we cannot review every resource that comes up for questioning but that we are happy to help them with specific issues. Marc, it sounds like that is where you are wanting to go with this. Perhaps reading the several pages that are available on Amazon (which it sounds like the questioner did) would be a helpful way to address the book specifically. But it seems like his question is really more about the mark of the beast and RFID chips, which it sounds like you are good to go on. Just as an FYI, our article on the mark of the beast addresses the RFID issue at least a little bit.

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