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Question on Christians United for Israel and Hagee

November 21st, 2014

Has anyone ever asked a question about “Christians United for Israel” (CUFI), which is a ministry under the leadership of John C. Hagee?

  • Seen by 39
  • Kristi-Joy Matovich I’ve heard of it, but don’t know anything much about it.
  • Jinny Leo What’s the question?
  • Ed Chait Thanks Kristi-Joy and Jinny. I didn’t receive a question from GQ about CUFI, I was just personally wondering if anyone was familiar with it.
  • Lea Ann Davis McCombs I know a little about it. It is a Christian support group that backs Israeli nationality issues and seeks to raise support for Israel and foster communication between Israeli and Christian leaders. Hagee is highly appreciate by PM Netanyahu.
  • Marc Weiss Hagee is a bit controversial, in the sense that he has some opinions that may or may not be true (claims as true), but he is not Joel Osteen by any sense. I personally prefer Friends of Israel if you were looking for a good group that supports Israel. They stay out of the limelight, put out good materials (even though I do not agree with some of the MINOR points), and are Biblically sound. I also know that GQM would have no issue in their end times views, as they are on par with one another.
  • Marc Weiss Hagee is NOT bad might I add. He just interjects things when it is not as necessary to do so. It is his First Amendment right, but there is a time and a place to pick a battle.
  • Ed Chait I appreciate the info. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt and yet be discerning.
  • Marc Weiss I would give him the benefit. I too open my mouth and regret it at times – and I am in Christ.
  • Jinny Leo I have supported CUFI for the past two years because I like John Hagee’s boldness and sound biblical doctrine. Are there differing opinions on certain points? Where isn’t there? I don’t always agree with him or Pat Robertson or even GQ, but as long as the essential stuff is sound the others things are non essential. Someday we will all find out the truth. Until then we are one beggar showing another beggar where the food is.
  • Timothy Craig Munger Ed, yes I am familiar with it. He’s formed a ver large organization in a very short period of time.
  • Ed Chait Thanks again for the info. I hesitated to post the question because I know Hagee can be controversial on some things and I didn’t want to start a fight, but I’m glad I asked. When I contrast CUFI to Jews for Jesus, I note a distinct difference in focus, with Jews for Jesus being more focused on one-on-one evangelism, while CUFI’s focus seems to be supporting Israel nationally and politically.
  • Robert Pristoop You may want to check his theology about Jewish people. I have heard him personally say that Jews don’t need Messiah because they have the covenants, making him a dual covenant theology. This is why he is so supportive of Israel but does not witness to Jewish people. Everyone needs Jesus for salvation! Even Jewish people. So check his webpage for his most current theological views on Israel and salvation.
  • Marc Weiss Robert – that was what I was eluding to; but it could be taken a few ways, which is why I give him the benefit.

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