Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises & Prayer Requests for October 2024

October 1st, 2024

The work and the glory for Got Questions Ministries are the Lord’s, so we are deeply grateful for you bringing it to Him in prayer! Here are some specific ways to be praying this month:

1. Praise God for His faithfulness to sustain the ministry, give participants joy in the work, and bear the fruit. Please pray that God will continue to provide all that’s needed: human resources, financial resources, favor with search engines, and especially wisdom in stewardship. Pray that He will direct and that we will be discerning and obedient in following. Pray that He will be glorified and that people will be reached for Christ.

2. Praise God for those who lead and oversee Got Questions Ministries. Our Board of Directors will be meeting in October. Please pray for the right conversations, wisdom in decision making, future direction, clarity, and unity. Please also pray for travel safeties.

3. Praise God for inviting each of us into His work in the world, and specifically into the work He is doing in and through Got Questions Ministries. Please pray for all who are affiliated with GQM—volunteers, contractors, staff, prayer partners, donors, etc. Life circumstances vary broadly, but spiritual needs are consistent for all of us. Pray that God will continue His work of conforming us to the image of His Son, that He will be our steadfast anchor of hope, and that we will grow ever deeper in knowledge and love of Him. Pray for peace, joy, humility, courage, and sanctification. Pray for God to use GQM to bless those who serve through it even as He uses them to bless others.

4. Praise God for the people who use ministry resources. Pray for content creators to accurately convey the truth of God’s Word and for site users to have open hearts and minds. Pray for needed resources to be easily found. Pray for the content to translate into real-world impact by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, pray that Got Questions Ministries will glorify God and reach others for Christ, and that our content will be a light in the digital world that leads to real-world, and ultimately eternal, impact.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement