Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Encouragement from Gwen for February 2024

February 1st, 2024

Happy February all! With Valentine’s Day there often seems to be a special focus on love this month. The love shared between couples, among family members, and among friends is truly worth celebrating. Human relationship, even with all its challenges, is such a gift. I love the way we see God’s image and His character reflected in one another, and the ways we can help spur one another on to growth. Yet even the best of human love is but a small reflection of the perfect and unfailing agape love of our great God. How amazing that He loves us so completely, invites us to abide in His love, and equips us to extend His love to others in both word and deed. When we love as He does, we share in His heart and in His work—what a gift!

Thank you each for sharing in what God is doing through Got Questions Ministries. We pray that not only will questioners and all who use ministry resources know truth, but that it will cause them to love God more. And we pray that you experience His love every time you love others well through your work with us. Thank you for serving in the ways you do!

GQM.ONE MONTHLY FOCUS: Fittingly, the February theme for our ministry hub-site is on love, and it’s too good not to share. Check out the resources (including a 7-day Bible study and a separate 7-day Bible reading plan) here:  

We pray that as you enter this month, you will rest assured in God’s perfect love for you. May you be increasingly filled with His love and increasingly pour it out with great joy.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement