Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:
1. Praise God for His continued protection of and provision for Got Questions Ministries. Please pray that we will be attentive and faithful stewards of all the resources He provides—whether spiritual gifts, natural talents, willing partners, gospel-sharing opportunities, time, or finances. Pray that we will be humble, courageous, and faithful. Pray for godly wisdom and hearts eager to obey.
2. Praise God for a dedicated team of ministry partners. So many are involved in the work of Got Questions Ministries, whether producing content, interacting with questioners, providing financial support, giving wise counsel, or bringing the ministry to the Lord in prayer. We are so grateful for each person involved in the work of the ministry in any way. As you know, life circumstances vary widely. Please pray for those connected with Got Questions Ministries. Pray most for their walk with the Lord—that He will lead them, that they will be responsive to His work of sanctification, that they will know Him and love Him more deeply each day, that their love for others would be rooted in Him and would overflow. Pray for peace, joy, and hope. Pray for comfort in grief. Pray for physical and emotional healing where needed. Pray for material provision. Pray for humble hearts and bold faith. Pray for their families, churches, and communities. Pray that their work with Got Questions Ministries would overflow into their lives in ways that glorify God. Pray that God would use their work with Got Questions Ministries to grow them and bless them.
3. Praise God for people looking for answers to spiritually-related questions. Pray that they will find the resources they need. Pray for hearts to be open to truth. Pray for God’s Word to go forth and to do its work. Pray for producers of content and question answerers to accurately convey the truth and love of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to direct the work and for lives to be changed as a result.
4. Praise God for His sovereignty. This work relies solely on Him. Pray that He will continue to oversee each detail and that He will be glorified in it. Praise God that He invites His children to participate in His work. Pray that He will give the ministry wisdom and clear direction. Pray that our focus will be on Him, that our eyes and ears will be open, and that our feet will be ready to follow where He leads.
If we can be praying for you in a specific way, please let us know.