Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Selection of notes of appreciation and testimonials from June 2023

July 3rd, 2023

From a questioner: thank you [writer] for answering my question. your answer is probably spot on and i will ponder the answer. thank you all for helping me to try and grasp more of GOD’S WORD. even though I’ve been a born again christian for several years GOD has put me into a position of bringing truth to a sunday school class and that makes me hungry to learn more so that i can lead the class and i know that a couple of them do not know the lord.

From a questioner:  Thank you so much for your answer. It was extremely helpful, unfortunately I come from a family that is prone to overthinking and anxiety. It just runs in our genes. So I take everything into consideration unfortunately over thinking also brings me to this “ I have to believe everything the correct way or God will reject me.” I do very much believe in the doctrinal basics however I still struggle with sin, and could definitely grow more in love for God and grow in my faith. But this is a journey. This really isn’t a follow-up question. I just wanted to say that. Thank you very much again.

From a questioner: Thank you so much for your time , effort and input into your answers!! It has helped both my fiancé and I tremendously, and I’m so grateful. We will work and pray to overcome this together , thank you so much!!

From a site user: Hi gotquestions team. My name is Inemesit Emmanuel. I’m a Nigerian and I live in Abuja, the Federal Capital City. I’m really impressed with your contents. I just read the one on Mathew 24:13, “He that shall endure to the end shall be saved” and it resonated with me. God bless you guys abundantly.

From a donor: I greatly appreciate your efforts. I often reference Got questions when I am looking for sound, biblically based clarity without opinion. I especially like the related articles and references for further study. I’ve learned quite a bit about subjects I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Once again thank you for what you do.

From a donor: You guys are sooooo good… my “go to” site for, you guessed it, Bible questions! The thing that I like best is you present the evidence (of the Bible), establish your position then let the reader make up their mind! Fantastic!! Blessings!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement