Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Selected Notes of Appreciation from March 2023

April 3rd, 2023

From a questioner: [Writer], thank you so much for that answer. I see that there probably is no definitive answer to that but you certainly did provide me with godly theological thought and I’m thankful for that. I think that is what please God; to contemplate His actions and wonder in awe. Thank you again [Writer]

From a questioner: Wow! Your thoughtful, thorough research on this question doesn’t disappoint! I and my family and friends have been blessed by Got Questions Ministries so many times. Thank you for your response and God bless. 

From a questioner: Thank you so much for this detailed answer, which I find extremely helpful. We are so grateful for the GotQuestions ministry! God bless you all.

From a questioner: I really couldn’t have asked for a better answer. Thank you so much!!

From a questioner: Thank you for the amazing explanation. I am grateful, God bless you. 

From a questioner: Thank you so much [Writer], this was very encouraging.

From a questioner: Thank you [Writer]. This really helped me out.

From a questioner: Thank you so much!! Helped tremendously!! Love you guys!!

From a questioner: Thank you for the clear, thorough and interesting explanation. Blessings on you and your ministry

From a questioner: Many thanks for your reply which has given me further food for thought. The subject is clearly complex so many thanks again for your time and effort to assist my understanding. God bless

From a donor: Dear Brothers in Christ, While I cannot offer ongoing financial support (retiree), and my gift is small, I had to give you a gift for how much you have blessed me. My only child, a son, is in prison for life. He is saved and has recently gotten a wake up call from our Father God, so he’s growing and hungry for God now after 12 long years of praying for his eyes to be opened. His best friend, another inmate, just recently and suddenly died in my son’s arms (of natural causes). I often print your articles & mail them to my son or use the information you provide in personal letters. You have made this so easy too! Most sites don’t offer anything that can be printed and my son has no access to internet. And plus you have helped me live with the shame & sorrow of his incarceration by your articles and videos. God will richly reward you for all your kindness. You all are helping so many. You won’t know how many until Heaven! I do pray for you and will continue! Thank you so much from the depths of my heart.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement