Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from September 2022

October 4th, 2022

From a questioner: Hello! It’s been quite a while since I read this email. I was combing through my inbox and completely forgot that I was once in such dark distress. I have read through your answer once more and it has warmed my heart. You should know that I did not get better immediately after I got your response. God allowed me to go through long bouts of such painful darkness and dread. Finally, I understood what it meant to trust Christ. I understood what it meant to have him and him alone as a savior, Lord, and friend. It has not been smooth sailing but there is a bloody cross from which I draw comfort and peace. So, thank you for helping me through such a dark and terribly confusing time. 

From a questioner: Thanks very much for your response. It really strengthened my faith! God bless you brother, and praise Jesus!

From a questioner: Thank you so much!  That really helped answer my question and gave me more confidence in my faith! God bless!

From a questioner: Thank you!  Good helpful answer and I will study it. 

From a questioner: Thanks very much for this detailed answer, and your previous explanations to my questions. You have given me some interesting details to ponder about so thank so much.

From a donor: Thank you for doing what you do. If it weren’t for the online publication of the Bible, I know I wouldn’t read daily. Thanks to you, I do. May God bless you. I hope you are reminded daily that your work really adds value to people’s lives and furthers the Kingdom of God.   

From a donor: I do a lot of scripture reading found via Google on the internet. Through my readings today I came across What a wonderful gift you have given to me and mankind! I have struggled at times trying to understand passages in the Bible and the history behind them – your app is so well done and informative! Thank you so much! I am so excited that God put you in my path! Praise Jesus!

From a donor: Thank you for all that you do here in this ministry. Before I was born again, I would read articles on this website to answer questions that I had. The Holy Spirit led me to the truth after reading some of your articles on this website. As a result I recognized that I was sinner and I wasn’t saved. From there my journey began and here I am today saved and following Christ. I once was one way, and now I am completely different. Thank you, and most importantly thank God.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement