Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises & Prayer Requests for April 2022

April 1st, 2022

Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. The Easter season is routinely our biggest traffic season of the year. Praise God for the witnessing opportunity this brings. Please be praying for the servers and sites to function well, for people to easily find the information they need, and especially for people to come to saving faith in Christ or to know God more deeply if they are already His. Pray that God would use the sites for His glory.  

2. Praise God for such a dedicated ministry team. Please be praying for God’s protection over fellow volunteers, contractors, donors, and prayer partners. Pray for them to be encouraged and to be able to fully celebrate the reality of Christ’s resurrection. Pray for their relationships and for healing where needed. Pray for them to have wisdom and peace. Pray for them to rest in Christ. Pray for things like health and financial provision. Pray for them to continually grow deeper in faith and to fully experience the joy and hope of the Lord. Pray also for their families and church communities.

3. Praise God for His continued provision for and protection of Got Questions Ministries. Pray that He will continue to guide and protect. Pray mostly that He will use the ministry to further His good purposes. Pray for us to be attentive to His leading and to be faithful stewards of all He’s entrusted to us.

4. The Got Questions employees will be going on a retreat in early May. Please be praying even now for productive conversations, refreshment, and relationship building. Pray that God would protect that time and make it fruitful. Please pray for wisdom and clarity for decision makers.

5. Praise God for the way He involves us, His people, in His work. Pray for all involved in Got Questions Ministries to have humility, boldness, and peace. Pray that God will sanctify us and transform us and that He will use us to spread His truth. Pray that we will know Him more and more deeply and that we will communicate His truth accurately. Pray that He will bring forth the fruit.

Please let us know if there is a specific way in which we can be praying for you.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement