Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises & Prayer Requests for December 2021

December 1st, 2021

Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. Praise God for a good Board meeting in November. Please continue to be praying for us to have wisdom, humility, discernment, and courage to follow God’s leading. Pray for Him to guide clearly and for us to respond willingly.

2. Praise God for the ways He uses Got Questions Ministries in the lives of so many. Pray for Him to continue to work through the ministry. Pray for those involved with and impacted by Got Questions to know and love God more deeply.

3. As we approach Christmas, pray for hearts to be softened toward the gospel. Pray for God’s Name to be proclaimed and Him to be glorified. Pray for many to come to salvation. Pray for us to represent Him well.

4. Praise God for the Got Questions team of volunteers, contractors, donors, and prayer partners. As joyous as Christmas can be, the winter and holidays can also bring deeper feelings of sadness. Pray for God to comfort all who mourn in this time. Of course, the regular things of life continue even in the midst of celebrations, so please pray for things like relationships, health, finances, and the like. Pray for spiritual protection and spiritual growth. Please pray not only for the Got Questions team, but also for their families, friends, and church families. Pray for God’s work in their lives.  

If there is something specific we can be praying about for you, please let us know.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement