Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Tim White

October 20th, 2021

I was saved at age 14 and struggled as a Christian in various legalistic Churches through my mid-40’s. When our disabled son became suicidally depressed, my wife and I searched the scriptures which seemed silent about that topic. I registered into a community college and began taking psychology. I found that to be empty, too. We continued to search until we were steered to the true meaning of the gospel. Since then, my son recovered, and my wife and I found victory in our Christian lives simply by believing what the Bible says. I have been a pastor now for 18 years. I use what we learned in our counseling and in my writing for GotQuestions. This ministry is a stimulant to growth and maturity in Christ.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement