Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank you from our donors: July 2014

August 5th, 2014

Thank you for your website and ministry. Your answers are right on Biblically!


Thank-you for being so faithful to GODs’ WORD. May GOD keep Blessing your ministry.

When ever I’m in doubt,

I go to GOT QUESTIONS & check it OUT!!..

GOD-BLESS      Mark


Thank-you so much for helping me and my daughter in our Christian walk. Whenever I have an interest or problem I always know I can get accurate, caring and thorough on Got Questions. You have made my life better and helped me to understand things that were always confusing to me before. God bless you!


I really appreciate the solid Biblical information that your website provides.


I appreciate your help and sweet attitude as you state well researched comments.


Your website has become an important part of my Bible study.  When I have questions, I know exactly where to go for answers.  Thank you.  I pray that you will maintain the Biblical integrity – I recommend you to a lot of people for answers because I believe your answers are Bible based and I can trust them.  I don’t want to inadvertently get the wrong answer to someone who needs to hear the truth.  So many questions, so little time.  Thank you.




Many helpful articles which have been very useful to me, thank you!


Thank you so much for the work that you do. I have learned so much from you. I think your entire staff is amazing in the way they answer every question. May God continue to bless you.


Praise The G-d our Father in Heaven and our L-rd His S-n Jesus The Christ our Savior.

This is an Excellent and ingenious ministry, revealing the scripture truths in a open way, Holy Spirit operating and moving lot of called people around the world to clear their doubts before and after their  submission to our redeemer.

Thanks for your continuous enlightening and leading for a people to get ready to meet our soon coming  L-rd of L-rds and King of Kings.


I recommend this site, to Christian friends and the unsaved, as well. I have taken so much good from it. Questions I couldn’t have answered on my own. I’m “born again” and found this website years ago. I promote you on FB as well. I sing the Lords praises for you good people. Thank you, Donnakay Ortega


I really enjoy your website.  I have told others about it as well.


Thank you for all you do..  Incredible.


Thank for your efforts on It has helped greatly as an invaluable resource in my bible studies and has brought me closer to Christ. God bless you!


Thanks for your informative & handy site.  I refer to it often as I prepare for lessons that I teach to others.


Love this website and hope you can continue your good work. I hope it will reach others who may not have a Bible to read and will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior.


I have been blessed by your ministry many times and also love to tell people where to go for concise, biblical answers to ANY nagging question in their faith (or lack thereof). Thank you for all that you do.


Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for being a blessing to me.


Thank you for providing this site.  I have used it in teaching my Bible study group.


I really appreciate this ministry. Thank you in His Matchless Grace.


Thank you for the blessing and privilege of writing for this website…


“Power to your elbow.”


You guys do a GREAT job!! God bless ya’ll!!


Keep up the good work.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement