Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Ten Year Anniversary Highlights

November 2nd, 2020

Each November we like to highlight volunteers who have served with us for ten years and share a small part of their Got Questions journey. Enjoy getting to know some fellow laborers!

Steve Husting (February, 2010): I had sharpened my skills answering questions on Yahoo Answers. When I heard of the Got Questions Q&A platform, I jumped ship. I love having the opportunity to show the way, share the truth, and explain life in this nurturing environment where Christians have a heart to spread the Lord’s name throughout the earth.

Rita Marendic (March, 2010): How I got involved with Got Questions Ministries: I was asking the Lord what I could do to serve Him from home.  I am retired and have some spare time on my hands.

I was posting scripture on different platforms like FaceBook etc: But I was looking for something more personal. Then I came across a post that said GQM was looking for volunteers and I knew that was an answer to prayer. I applied to help out and was happy to hear I was accepted. 

I enjoy answering people’s questions; God gives me scriptures for most of them. Another benefit for me is I always learn something from my research on some of the questions at the same time. It’s a win win for me.

I am blessed to be a part of GQM; It is very rewarding and I’m grateful. Thank you for having me

James Toland (May, 2010): Ten years ago, I, like the many people who visit GQ with questions, stumbled across the site when I googled about something I was uncertain of in Scripture. When my question was answered, I happened to see the “volunteer” section and realized this was something I could do as a ministry and it fit my personality well and I applied. I stay with it because I enjoy it, it holds me accountable and it also forces me to grow spiritually. I don’t always know the answer to the assigned question and I have to research and study the topic myself. I am not sure what my favorite question is but anytime someone asks me about my “weirdest” question, I always defer to the one asking if getting hair transplants is sinful.

Jay Rich (May, 2010): I started with GotQuestions because I saw it as a convenient way for me to share my faith and the love of Christ. I’ve continued all these years because it has really been a blessing for me. I find it difficult to walk up to someone and try to develop enough of a rapport to be able to share the gospel. However, most of the questions I have received make it easy to attempt to answer their question Biblically and share enough of the gospel to hopefully perk their interest in the good news at the least. Trying to help people through struggles in their faith and encourage them seems to help strengthen my faith at the same time. I look forward to receiving each week’s new question.  

Bob Lowry (June, 2010): Early on as a Christian I kept promising myself to try to understand that crazy Revelation book. Eventually prophecy, and creation, did become topics of personal Bible study. Then I stumbled on Got Questions quite by accident during an internet search. In retrospect, maybe the Holy Spirit was guiding that search. Seeing prophecy questions on the website, I volunteered to answer questions about that and creation-related topics, with much uncertainty (both then and now!) about finding answers in line with Scripture and pleasing to the Lord. Every question is a challenge. They all take research and prayer, but increase my personal learning and have brought growth that otherwise may not have happened in my Christian life. Finding answers, especially to questions the Bible is not fully explicit about, has probably blessed me a lot more than it has the questioners who read the answers. A big discovery has been knowing what the Bible says about the future can be a really compelling evangelizing tool. Thanks to Got Questions for its ministry and for the opportunity afforded me to grow personally as a Christian.

Don O’Brien (June, 2010): First off, I want to thank Got Questions for giving me this wonderful opportunity to write for them. I cannot believe it has been ten years! (Time does indeed fly when you’re having fun!) And it has been more than fun. It has actually been the most rewarding and gratifying thing I have ever done. For those who love writing and love Jesus Christ what possibly could be more rewarding than glorifying Him, defending the truth of His inerrant and infallible Word, or helping lead someone to Him? I would also like to recognize those who assign questions for doing such an outstanding job. Even after all these years, I am still like a kid at Christmas when I receive a question. I also think it is amazing how our great and sovereign God has so often played a role in assigning the questions. There have been more than a few times I have been struggling with an issue of some sort only to receive a question which, after prayer and research, brings much clarity to the very issue. God is so very awesome. I am humbled to be a conduit through which He can do His work.  Congratulations to Shea and Melissa for the incredible vision they had nearly twenty years ago. I am honored and proud to be a part of this great team. 

Also celebrating 10 years:

Sarah Van Baale (January, 2010)

Jerry Vargas (October, 2010)

Steve Byrd (October, 2010)

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement