Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from June 2019

July 1st, 2019


From a questioner: Thank you for your wonderful answer, prayer, encouragement and sharing of your own experience. I feel a lot of gratitude for little blessings like these. I also pray that your work and the work of this amazing institution that is gotquestions can continue to bless others. Thank you once again.  

From a questioner:  Thank you God bless you!!!!!!! Finding the truth and the answer to this meant so much to me. It was a battle I was having but nevertheless I trusted the word of God and needed the extra guidance.  gotquestions was placed in my heart. This ministry truly helped me with this victory along with other victory’s. Thank you and may many blessings increase in this ministry. 

From a questioner: Thanks so much!  I appreciate having “Got Questions” website to go to!

From a questioner: I am so grateful for your ministry. I appreciate your thorough response and the many Biblical references. This surpassed my expectation for an answer and I’m genuinely thankful for the time you took to address my question. May God continue to bless and lead you and your staff in this impactful ministry to spread the Gospel and help others discern truth.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement