Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises and Prayer Requests for May 2019

May 1st, 2019

Thank you so much for your prayers! We know it is God who empowers the work and we trust that our prayers to Him are powerful. Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. Praise God for the various ways He uses Got Questions Ministries in the lives of people. Please pray that we will be sensitive to His leading and faithful stewards of the work He has entrusted to us. Pray that Got Questions Ministries will be a blessing to people and ultimately point them toward a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

2. Praise God for the many involved in the work of Got Questions Ministries through their talents, time, prayers, finances, etc. Please pray that God will bless all who are involved with the ministry. Pray that He will provide for them, protect them, encourage them, and fill them with His peace and joy.

3. Praise God for people finding and using our sites. Pray that they will come with open ears and hearts, that they will hear God’s truth, and that their lives will be changed as a result.

4. Praise God for continued protection of Got Questions Ministries in all ways. Please pray for God’s continued spiritual protection of the ministry. Please also pray that we will continue to have favor with search engines and that our hardware and software will continue to perform well.

5. Praise God that He chooses to invite His followers into His work. Please pray for Got Questions staff, contractors, and volunteers to be attentive to God. Pray that we will follow Him faithfully, love Him more daily, become mature in Christ, and accurately reflect God to a hurting world. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be consistent in our lives and for God’s love to fill our hearts and flow from us to others. Pray that God will continue to use the work of Got Questions Ministries in positive ways in our lives even as we contribute to that work. <br><br> Please let us know how we can be praying for you.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement