Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from December 2018

December 31st, 2018

From a site user: Hello, I just felt a desire to contact you guys and tell you to keep up the good work and that I appreciate what you are doing. I grew up going to the Roman Catholic Church and went there for over 20 years. While I felt like I lived a relatively moral life, I was not saved and didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Being saved was not really a concept I was familiar with. In my mid 20’s I got serious about reading and studying the Bible. When I had Bible questions, I would get on the internet and look for answers. I definitely used your website. During this time, God opened my eyes to the truth of the Gospel and I came to trust in Christ as my Lord and Savior. Things became real to me in a way that they never were before, including the reality of Heaven and Hell. I couldn’t tell you at exactly what point I was saved, but I know that I am now. I have been awakened. I found out what it meant to be born again. […] Please continue to stand firm […]. Please continue to make known the need for personal salvation as well. I still use your site today and appreciate your solid, uncompromising, Bible answers. God bless you.

From a questioner: You guys are awesome! Thank you! I really appreciate your site and all that you do and for taking the time to answer my questions. I love the Word of God and when people point out contradictions in the Bible, it bothers me because I really do believe the Word is from God and therefore should not contain errors. So it makes me start to question whether I am just in denial or if what others are saying is unfounded. God bless you for the indepth work that you do in making clear the Word of God. Thanks again!

From a questioner: Thank you for always being a valuable resource when I can’t go to my church elders or mentors. I have asked many questions and your answers have left me earnestly seeking God more.

From a site user: I want to thank you so much because I have been able to find a lot of wonderful biblical answers through you online and I’m so grateful for all that you do for everyone, so we may all grow in Christ!

From a donor: Thank you. I pray God will continue to bless everything your ministry is doing to not only spread the gospel, but clarify Scripture. It is a blessing.

From a donor: Your biblical answers have helped me in a number of occasions. Keep up the good job. God bless you and your ministry!

From a donor: Please keep teaching the Bible! Please continue to be obedient to GOD words! has had an awesome impact on my life! Praise be to GOD!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement