Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from August

September 4th, 2018

**This response gives biblical advice in an easy-to-understand and practical manner. It is concise yet thorough. It connects on a personal level with the questioner and has an encouraging tone.**

Question: How can a Christian ‘survive’ high school? What attitude should a Christian have going into high school? What advice do you have?

Questioner Profile: Male, Under 18, North America

Answered by: Heath Tibbetts, who has been a volunteer with us since August, 2007.

Answer: These are great questions. It’s been 22 years since I graduated high school, but I can tell you that time has caused me to think back on some actions I wish I had done differently. You will get the benefit of those considerations.

1) Love God and Love others (Matthew 22:36–39). Often my spiritual life was no more than Sundays. If I could go back, I would have taken daily time to talk with God and read his word. If I’m not growing closer to him, I can only be growing farther from him. Growing closer to God also helps us to grow closer to people. I would have worked harder to be a friend to friendless.

2) Treat girls like your sister (1 Timothy 5:2). I wish I hadn’t looked at so many of my female friends as potential dates. I strained and ruined some friendships because I didn’t focus more on the friendship. Not every girl that smiles or enjoys your company wants to go out with you. Be a brother who protects and when the time is right and the girl is right, it will be easier to see because a friendship will exist that is deeper than any physical attraction.

3) You only get one chance to build that transcript (Colossians 3:23–24). Work hard to honor God. Honor your teachers. Do your homework. Work hard in that group assignment. Not only will your hard work pay off in the classroom, but it will pay off for your future. Don’t allow opportunities down the road to be cut short because you cut class. Realize that when you work hard for God, people notice and you have a great opportunity to be a witness for Jesus because your work will stand out.

I could load you down with more, but these are a solid start. Honestly, if you make #1 your focus, no matter how long I made the list, you’d likely be hitting the rest of it out of the park. Praying for you on this today, and if you need any help on how to get your daily devotional time rolling, don’t hesitate to ask.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement