Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises and Prayer Requests for September 2018

September 4th, 2018

We so appreciate your prayers! Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. Praise God for such a large team of people involved with Got Questions Ministries. Please pray for volunteers, contractors, staff, donors, and all those connected with the work of Got Questions. Pray for God’s provision in all ways, particularly for an abiding sense of peace and joy in Him. Pray that we will become more like Christ and that our efforts will truly be to His praise.

2. Please pray for God’s continued protection of and provision for Got Questions Ministries in all ways (human resources, monetary resources, hardware, favor with search engines, etc.). Praise Him for what He has already provided so abundantly. Pray against any schemes of the enemy that would hinder the work.

3. Praise God for people coming to our sites and using our apps across a broad spectrum of locales and languages. Pray that people will encounter the truth they need to hear and for God’s work in their hearts and lives.

4. Please pray for God to give us wisdom and discernment in how to best serve Him. The Got Questions Ministries board will be having one of its bi-annual meetings in October. Please pray specifically for them as they seek to respond to God’s guidance and lead Got Questions well.

If there is a specific way in which we can be praying for you, please let us know.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement