Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praises and Prayer Requests for February 2016

February 1st, 2016

Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. Please pray for fellow volunteers. Many of you know that Dwight Payne, who was a volunteer with us since April 2009, recently died. Please be praying for his family. Several of our volunteers have had family members pass away in the past few months; please pray for them as they grieve. We’ve also had volunteers experience loss of employment, health concerns, family health concerns, discouragement, etc. We are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes. Pray against spiritual attack and for the spiritual building up and encouraging of all those involved with Got Questions. We’ve also had several volunteers welcome new children and grandchildren in the past months. Praise God for these new lives and pray that they will come to know Him.

2. Please pray that people would easily find our site and our app, and that God would be at work in their interactions with the articles and through the Q&A system. Pray for many to come to know Him and to grow in Him.

3. Please pray for the technology and also search algorithms to be favorable for our sites. Most specifically, please be praying for the establishment and growth of

4. Please pray for God to continue to provide all that is needed for the ministry to function and grow. Praise Him for the resources, time, and mission with which He has entrusted us, and pray that we will be faithful stewards. Please pray, too, that He will clearly direct us.

5. Please pray that God would be glorified in all ways through Got Questions Ministries.

Please let us know if there is a specific way we can be praying for you.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement