Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Selection of Notes of Appreciation and Testimonials from November 2023

December 4th, 2023
Thank you, Got Questions, for all your hard work. You are doing a great service and are much appreciated. Your ministry is invaluable to born again Bible believing followers of Christ like myself. Just thought I’d tell you that. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving! Hi! I recently began my journey to Jesus Christ and you all have been so incredibly helpful. I quite literally Google every religious question I think of, and am led to you. You all provide very clear and concise answers, that I can relate to my own life, which I think is the point of the . . .

Volunteer 10 Year Bios

November 1st, 2023
TEN YEAR BIOS: These volunteers have been serving with Got Questions Ministries for ten years! Below is a bit about their experiences during that time. Enjoy! Esther Pearson (June, 2013): I got involved in "Got Questions" after submitting a question and receiving a great, very detailed answer in response to my question. I thought writing for "Got Questions" would be a great way to share my knowledge from seminary and to also be exposed to the type of questions people were asking. I wanted to see if there were patterns in the questions that were . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from September 2023

October 2nd, 2023
From a questioner:  Dear [Volunteer], Thank you so much for your reply! Thank you for your explanation. Yes, it makes sense and I am encouraged by your words. They are kind and helpful for me. I am sorry that I misunderstood it before. Praise the Lord. May God bless you. Thank you again! From a questioner: Thank you so much for your prompt reply to my question. It is helpful to know all food is clean but we need to be careful not to cause anyone to stumble or to eat in such a way that we show we do not have self-control. Thank you again. . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from August 2023

September 5th, 2023
From a questioner: Your answers are wonderful and inciteful, my utmost thanks to those who do the research and share their wisdom! One of the things I find so valuable is the reference to scripture woven within the answers...when I find my mind straying, I use your site to set it back on a better path. Your site is that powerful. (period and job well done!) I refer it to nearly everyone I know. From a questioner:   Thank you for your kind response. It means the world to me. I am so happy right now that I could shout “Hallelujah . . .

Selected notes of encouragement and testimonials from July 2023

August 1st, 2023
From a questioner: Hello [Volunteer Writer], I just wanted to send a follow-up message (not a question) to thank you for your kind and thoughtful response to my inquiries. I was not expecting such a wonderful, love-filled answer. I have printed it out, read and re-read it, highlighted bits, etc. and will keep it handy always! I've had this anxiety around my faith for many years, but your thorough and logical answers – even with a bit of much-needed humor mixed in – stand out among others I've received. This has marked a turning point . . .

Selection of notes of appreciation and testimonials from June 2023

July 3rd, 2023
From a questioner: thank you [writer] for answering my question. your answer is probably spot on and i will ponder the answer. thank you all for helping me to try and grasp more of GOD'S WORD. even though I've been a born again christian for several years GOD has put me into a position of bringing truth to a sunday school class and that makes me hungry to learn more so that i can lead the class and i know that a couple of them do not know the lord. From a questioner:  Thank you so much for your answer. It was extremely helpful, unfortunately . . .

Selected notes of gratitude from May 2023

June 2nd, 2023
From a questioner: This is not a follow up question. This is just a message to complement brother [Writer] (whoever that is!) for his well thought-of, well-spoken, detailed and heartfelt response to me. The fact that he took so much time to write this long response and used his knowledge of biblical, historical and anecdotal data, says that he is dedicated to the truth. I am literally weeping as I've read it because you are sold to Jesus. From the bottom of my heart, thank you [Writer]! The Lord Jesus bless you and hope I will get to meet . . .

Select Notes of Appreciation and Testimonials from April 2023

May 1st, 2023
From a questioner: Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and for your dedication to the truth, it really helped me and I feel that I have a good source of help when I need to share truth with others or gain insight myself and have a firm foundation of knowledge and understanding. God bless you all and fill you with His knowledge and understanding for the glory of the King . Linda …Australia From a questioner:   I'm so grateful for your insight, help, and understanding on this topic in both responses. Truly a blessing. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement